Inter eye new bidders after failed BC Partners talks

Inter eye new bidders for the club after Suning’s failed negotiations with the BC Partners. The Nerazzurri president, Steven Zhang has insisted that Inter’s owners are not willing to sell the club. But, they are looking for new minority shareholders. In order to inject capital into Inter. San Siro project got delayed as well due to this uncertainty in ownership.

Suning took over the club from Erick Thohir in 2016. La Reppublica believes a deal that sees Suning hand over Inter to another investor. Perhaps, even the entire club.

Inter eye new bidders in the form of minority shareholders

“Some fans still hope that they will remain majority shareholders. Because they are concerned. They think that selling to a private equity fund could lead to limited investment in the future,” they said. BC Partners are negotiating exclusively with Suning. Their agreement expires on Friday. But no deal has reached as of now. Therefore, it does seem likely that the British Fund will not buy into Inter. EQT, Ares Management Corporation and Arctos Sports Partners are currently in a position to fill their vacancy. US investment fund Fortress and Abu Dhabi state investor Mubadala are also looking to getting involved at Inter together. As reported by II Sole 24 Ore.

Sunning announced their “next decade strategy” via Twitter. They said they have various plans for 2021. They believe that the market will be steady this year. Therefore, sales and profits will rebound. They will focus more on their retail business. La Repubblica revealed that the Suning had great success with online commerce last year. They generated about € 33.5 billion via They also showed a reference from Swiss Ramble. It states that Inter have spent the highest in Serie A in the last 5 years in transfers. About € 352 million in total. This shows Suning’s commitment to the club.

Mangalam Pugalia: Mangalam is a football nerd who contributes as a match analyst at THE INTER WAY. He admires Antonio Conte’s system and can predict what the Nerazzurri manager will do next.
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